Flat infobox styling

09.14.2013 by Ilia Raiskin

In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create flat infoboxes with HTML and CSS. Tell me whether you like it or not in the comments (no login required).


Example Title

Marzipan jelly-o cookie. Powder jelly-o dragee bonbon. Cupcake oat cake dessert fruitcake lollipop souffle candy. Macaroon toffee tiramisu cupcake croissant. Caramels halvah apple pie sugar plum gingerbread. Tiramisu macaroon gummi bears halvah bonbon chocolate chocolate bar. Chupa chups donut marzipan marzipan cotton candy halvah caramels. Lollipop tart lemon drops cotton candy.

Example Title

Marzipan jelly-o cookie. Powder jelly-o dragee bonbon. Cupcake oat cake dessert fruitcake lollipop souffle candy. Macaroon toffee tiramisu cupcake croissant. Caramels halvah apple pie sugar plum gingerbread. Tiramisu macaroon gummi bears halvah bonbon chocolate chocolate bar. Chupa chups donut marzipan marzipan cotton candy halvah caramels. Lollipop tart lemon drops cotton candy.

Example Title

Marzipan jelly-o cookie. Powder jelly-o dragee bonbon. Cupcake oat cake dessert fruitcake lollipop souffle candy. Macaroon toffee tiramisu cupcake croissant. Caramels halvah apple pie sugar plum gingerbread. Tiramisu macaroon gummi bears halvah bonbon chocolate chocolate bar. Chupa chups donut marzipan marzipan cotton candy halvah caramels. Lollipop tart lemon drops cotton candy.

Example Title

Marzipan jelly-o cookie. Powder jelly-o dragee bonbon. Cupcake oat cake dessert fruitcake lollipop souffle candy. Macaroon toffee tiramisu cupcake croissant. Caramels halvah apple pie sugar plum gingerbread. Tiramisu macaroon gummi bears halvah bonbon chocolate chocolate bar. Chupa chups donut marzipan marzipan cotton candy halvah caramels. Lollipop tart lemon drops cotton candy.



About the author

Ilia Raiskin

Ilia Raiskin is a web designer, web developer, blogger and founder of Toolinfy.com.
